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Any noteworthy accomplishment in this day and age takes the focused energy of committed groups. Yet people working ineffectively together is the most often cited obstacle to finding solutions to problems.


Facilitation is the power to bring people together for discussions that are more productive, focused, inclusive and effective.  

Facilitation is the most important skill emerging in the modern workplace!

SPOT on Facilitation in Japan 4
DATE: November 9-11, 2017

TIME: 9:00-18:00 (daily)

LOCATION: Tokyo, Japan


Why Invest in Developing Facilitation Skills?

Developing facilitation skills in your business will result in significant gains in the contributions of both individuals as well as teams. In upscaling your team to have the knowledge, skills, confidence and commitment to facilitate groups you can expect to achieve:


  • More product group meetings with a clear objective, output and outcome

  • Greater individual contributions as facilitation processes create opportunities for more sharing

  • More creativity and innovation through the use of divergent and convergent facilitation tools and techniques

  • Decisions being made with greater buy-in from the team as a result of being involved in the discussion

  • Overall organisational effectiveness and success as employees are empowered to take an active role in planning, organising, leading and coordinating business activities 


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